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DMIL (Military Libraries Division of SLA) Student Liaison Coordinator Update 02272015
Job Search Training 1. Job Search Workshop, Join in 3/21! — http://military.sla.org/job-search-workshop-join-in-321/ Residencies 2. National Digital Stewardship Residency Programs in Boston and New York. Deadline Friday, May 8th, 2015 — http://military.sla.org/national-digital-stewardship-residency-programs-in-boston-and-new-york-deadline-friday-may-8th-2015/ 3. Information Resources Center Intern Needed (Spring 2015). Available now. — http://military.sla.org/information-resources-center-intern-needed-spring-2015-available-now/ 4. OCLC Research Diversity Fellow Position. Open until filled. — http://military.sla.org/oclc-research-diversity-fellow-position/ 5. […]
Please Respond To a Quick Survey For ALA-NMRT
Greetings! As a part of the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2015 Emerging Leaders Program, we are conducting a short survey regarding publication needs and opportunities for students and new professionals, specifically targeting ALA New Member Round Table’s (NMRT) newsletter, Footnotes, and peer-reviewed journal, Endnotes. We would greatly appreciate your feedback to guide our enhancement of […]
Exploring The Meaning Of The ‘The Public Domain’ From The Juridical, Individual And Temporal Perspectives
The meaning of The Public Domain is central to many aspects of the information age, including the proper working of open government, where it informs the review of public records and handling of personal data in archives; the security of individuals’ personal data; and the commercial interests of an increasingly data-driven economy. It is also […]
Beyond Hope 2015 – Call for Proposal Reminder
Beyond Hope 2015 Call for Proposal deadline is approaching. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2015. Help us to recognize and share the contributions of ALL libraries by presenting at our Beyond Hope 2015 Conference. We encourage proposal submissions from public, academic, school, and special libraries staff. Proposal can be submitted through our Beyond […]
WISE Information For Students
Registration for the 2015 Summer session WISE courses opens Monday, March 2, 2015. Information on the available courses can be found here: http://slais.ubc.ca/wise-courses-2015-summer-session-may-august-4/ General information on WISE can be found here: http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/courses/wise/ It is possible additional WISE courses will be added later. Currently five courses are listed that have been approved for qualified SLAIS students. […]
Beyond Hope Library Conference 2015 – Call for Proposals
The Prince George Public Library, with support from the North Central Library Federation, is excited to announce that the Call for Proposals for the 2015 Beyond Hope Library Conference is now open! The Beyond Hope 2015 theme is Libraries are Forever. Our theme celebrates the Prince George Public Library’s diamond anniversary as a municipal library […]
Scholarship For MLIS Students
The Legal History & Rare Books SIS would like your help in spreading the word about the annual Morris L. Cohen Student Essay Competition. The competition is named in honor of Morris Cohen, late Professor Emeritus of Law at Yale Law School, and is designed to encourage scholarship, and to acquaint students with AALL and […]
Africa Global Health
Dear Students: Are you interested in Africa Global Health? Ebola, AIDs, monkey pox, Rift Valley fever, Malaria, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia, Burkett’s Lymphoma, and epidemics of Type 2 diabetes. In the past decade Africa has been been the center of much of global health because of these and many other issues. To be a health professional […]
Information and Call of Proposals: (QQML2015) 26-29 May 2015, IUT-Descartes University, Paris, France
It is our pleasure to invite you in Paris (IUT-Descartes University, 26-29 May 2015) for the 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015) which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology, a non-profit organization). The Abstract or Paper submissions web page is open […]
Italy Preservation Field School – Buildings, Ceramics, Paper, Books and Art
We are now accepting applications for our summer 2015 field school, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program, now in its 16th year, dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage and offering students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy. Session One (June 1 – 26) Building Restoration* Revised program Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings […]