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Affiliated Fellowships – Master’s Level Application Now Open

Please be aware that the application and reference forms for the Master’s level Affiliated Fellowships competition are now available. All of the details regarding the awards are available at the following links. The deadline for applications to be submitted to your Graduate Program is December 2. These fellowships are highly competitive, as there are only […]

January 2014 term WISE Course Requests Start Today [All Students]

The date on which you can begin to request spaces in the January WISE courses has changed to today, October 28, 2013. Registration for the January 2014 term WISE courses opens October 28, 2013. Information on the available courses can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise/13-14-wt2/wise-13-14-wt2.htm General information on WISE can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise.htm It is […]

Reminder: Applicaiton for Travel Funding [MLIS/DUAL]

Dear Students, SLAIS has made available travel funds for MLIS/DUAL Students to be allocated by the Chair of the MLIS Program. These funds are also available to Dual students attending an LIS or IS conference. The funds are extra to the travel funds that are currently listed on our Website. Funds will be initially limited to students […]

Reminder: Application for Travel Funding [MAS/Dual Students]

Dear Students, SLAIS has made available travel funds for MAS and Dual Students to be allocated by the Chair and Second Chair of the MAS Program. These funds are available to MAS and Dual students attending an Archival Conference. The funds are extra to the travel funds that are currently listed on our Website (e.g., Student […]

Professor Saltman is missing her book [All Students]

Professor Saltman left her copy of the Chicago Manual of Style in a student’s box a week ago and it appears to have gone missing. If you find it, please turn it in to the office.  

2013 Ronald Jobe Scholarship Winner – Megan Harrison

SLAIS is pleased to announce the recipient of the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Ronald Jobe Scholarship. MACL candidate Megan Harrison was presented with the award by Professor Emeritus Ronald Jobe at the Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable event on October 19, 2013.

January 2014 WISE Courses [All Students]

Accreditation External Review Panel Luncheon

Mon, October 21, 12pm – 1pm Where: Student Union Building, Room 209 Description: All SLAIS students (particularly those in the MLIS or Dual programs) are invited to attend the ALA Accreditation external review luncheon on Monday, October 21st at 12pm. This luncheon is a part of the ALA accreditation process that SLAIS is undergoing right […]

Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship $40,000 stipend plus $20,000 travel allowance Graduate Studies deadline 25 October, 2013: SLAIS Deadline October 11, 2013. Up to 15 Trudeau Scholarships are awarded each year to support doctoral students pursuing research in one or more of the four themes: human rights and social justice, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, […]

Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable October 19 Breakfast Event: Early Bird Rates End Sept 30

The Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable presents Julie Flett, Julie Morstad & Richard Van Camp in Conversation Join us on Saturday October 19, 2013 for a morning of words and images, entertainment and delight as three rising stars in Canadian children’s publishing talk about their craft. University Golf Club 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Includes breakfast | […]

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