Important Announcements
FOI 101: a Hands-on Skills Training Workshop and Book Launch [MLIS, Dual]
The BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, with support from BCLA, is pleased to offer a free hands-on workhop on filing Freedom of Information requests. The event will be facilitated by Mike Larsen from Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Details for the event below and registration will be limited and is on a first come – […]
Courthouse Libraries BC Seeking iSchool Volunteers for The Testing Exchange [All Students]
In this knowledge sharing program, we ask student volunteers to administer short usability tests to willing friends and family. In return, the Library offers job shadowing and informational interview opportunities. What We’re Looking For The Library is looking for students to administer short web-based usability tests to friends and family who are not part of […]
REGISTRATION AND WAIT LIST INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is a long and fairly complex message so please read it carefully. Registration for Winter Terms 1 & 2 opens for Graduate and PhD students on June 12th. You have probably already received your emails from Enrolment Services giving detailed instructions and confirmations of the date […]
There is still space available for this week’s workshops: Entrepreneurship, Tuesday, June 11th, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Register at: Procrastination (@VGH site), Thursday, June 13th, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Register at: Registration is now open for: GPS/Mitacs Step Workshop: Basics of Intellectual Property Tuesday, June 25th, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM […]
Special section of PHIL 469 Next Year [All Students]
Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to join this course. STS graduate student especially encouraged; a 5xx number can probably be assigned if enough graduate students are interested. Philosophy 469: Topics in Philosophy of Science Second Term, 2013-2014 Alan Richardson Wednesdays 1-4 pm Topic: Community-Based Research in STS/HPS NB: This course is a pilot […]
IInformation for ARST Courses in Winter 2013-2014 [MAS/Dual Students]
This message is directed to all students taking MAS/ARST courses in the 2013-2014 Winter Session. If you are in the stand-alone MLIS program, remember you must get permission from the Rick Kopak, SLAIS Graduate Adviser, before you register for any ARST courses [this also applies to students in the stand-alone MAS program who wish to […]
Important Course Information for Winter 2013-2014 [All Students]
You will all be receiving a message from UBC regarding your designated day/time for 2013-2014 Winter Session registration [both the September and January terms]. Please remember that some courses fill up very quickly, so you should register as soon as feasible once you have access. We will be sending out another message today regarding changes […]
MACL Special Lecture: Colonialist Stereotypes and Narrative Form in European Comic Books [All Students]
The MACL Program is co-sponsoring a lecture on June 12th by Dr. Ian Horton of the London School of Communication called “Colonialist Stereotypes and Narrative Form in European Comic Books. Wednesday June 12th, 12:00-1:30 pm West Mall Annex 216 1933 West Mall, UBC Please RSVP to To see flyer, got to:
Exploring a Career in Business Academia [All Students]
Please take a look at the link below regarding the PhD Information and Recruitment Session. See
Scholar, Blogger, Tweeter, Author: Building Your Academic Profile [All Students]
GPS Workshop Registration is now open for: Scholar, Blogger, Tweeter, Author: Building your academic profile (in partnership with the UBC Library) Thursday, June 6th 1:30 – 4:00 PM For a complete session description, please visit: To register, please visit: