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Important Announcements

ARMA – All Day Workshop – Monday 13th May (All Students)

ARMA Vancouver Island Presents: Records Management and Information Governance, with a focus on First Nations and Local Government Date: Monday, May 13, 2013 Time:  8:45 AM to 4:15 PM (PDT) Place: Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 101 Gordon St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5J8 Admission: $50 ARMA members; $60  non-members (visit www.armavi.org to register) Please note: Deadline […]

CFP: iConference 2014 | Breaking Down Walls: Culture-Context-Computing [MLIS, Dual]

Call for Participation: iConference 2014 Berlin, Germany 4-7 March, 2014 http://iconference.ischools.org/iConference14/2014index/ The ninth annual iConference will take place 4-7 March, 2014, in Berlin, Germany. The four days will include peer-reviewed Papers, Notes, Posters, Workshops and Sessions for Interaction and Engagement. Also included are a Doctoral Student Colloquium and an Early Career Colloquium. Keynote addresses will […]

Call for nominations: SSHRC Talent Award competition [PhD]

SSHRC Talent Award Value: $50,000 over one to three years Eligibility: Open to current SSHRC doctoral and postdoctoral award holders The Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a current SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship award holder at the time of application. The Talent Award is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, […]

Late Application for May 2013 Graduation [All Students]

The late application deadline for May 2013 graduation is Friday, April 19, 2013. Please advise students that we will not accept late applications after this deadline.  If you are aware of any students that have not applied for graduation yet, please let them know that the late application is available for a few more days […]

Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association – Seattle (All Students)

The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association invites students interested in the access and preservation of music materials to our upcoming chapter meeting in Seattle on Friday and Saturday May 3 and 4. The annual meeting is a great opportunity to network with area music librarians and learn more about what we do.  […]

September 2013 WISE Courses [All Students]

Registration for the 2013 September term WISE courses opens April 22, 2013. Information on the available courses can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise/13-14-wt1/wise-13-14-wt1.htm General information on WISE can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise.htm It is possible additional WISE courses will be added later. Currently two courses are listed that have been approved for qualified SLAIS students. All […]

Call for Nominations: Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship Bridge Competition (All Students)

Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship, Bridge Competition Up to $8,000 to be matched by graduate program Open to Master’s and doctoral students Graduate program deadline set by department Faculty of Graduate Studies Deadline 4:00 p.m. Friday, 24 May, 2013 All Aboriginal students are eligible to apply, but priority is given to Aboriginal graduate students whose traditional territory […]

Reminder – Doctoral Exam (JEAN MCKENDRY) – Examination Programme Attached (All Students)

The ‘Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy’ for Jean McKendry is set for Thursday, April 18 at 4:00 pm in Room 200 at the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). To see examination programme, go to https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3619 . This examination is a public event and you are invited to attend.  If you decide to come, […]

Ken Haycock Student Conference Award (MLIS, Dual)

Applications are being accepted for the annual Ken Haycock Student Conference Award for the 2013 BC Library Conference. The award is in the amount of $300, and also includes a complimentary basic conference registration. Named in honour of Ken Haycock, director of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies from 1992-2002, this award is […]

Reminder – Doctoral Exam (SHERRY XIE) – Examination Programme Attached (All Students)

The ‘Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy’ for Sherry Xie is set for Monday, April 15 at 9:00 am in Room 200 at the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). Please see examination programme at https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3608 This examination is a public event and you are invited to attend.  If you decide to […]

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