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Important Announcements

New Course Offerings for Winter 2014-2015

Can’t decide which courses to take in Winter 2014-2015? Take a look at these new offerings. If you have any questions you should talk to the instructors or to your adviser. Remember that if there are any conflicts between information on the UBC site in terms of days, times or locations, use the information on […]

Volunteers needed to learn to make vbook videos for children’s information book award project

To all students in all programs Volunteers are welcome to join Professors Eric Meyers and Judi Saltman and learn how to make book videos and to create a video with a partner (or on your own) for the Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable Information Book Award finalists – shown at the October 18th Vancouver Children’s Literature […]

Dual Degree Transfer Deadline for MLIS Students Who Began in January 2014 [MLIS]

To all MLIS students who began their degree in January 2014, the deadline to apply to transfer into the Dual degree is June 2, 2014. If you have interest in transferring into the Dual program and want more information on the process, please contact me (Dan Slessor, Student Services Coordinator), at your earliest convenience. This […]

Student Librarian Positions at Public Library Systems [MLIS, Dual Students]

Students in the MLIS and Dual programs should be aware that the summer months are when public library systems hire summer students as well as student librarians for the 2014-15 academic year. A summer position with Surrey Libraries will be posted tomorrow and we expect student positions with additional public library systems to trickle in […]

August Practicum Deadline – Monday, May 12

LIBR 595 – Practicum (0 credits) [MLIS, Dual Students] Students interested in applying for a Practicum this upcoming August (17th – 29th) must send an application to Dan Slessor by Monday, May 12. The Practicum is an optional two-week (full-time placement) usually completed at the end of your second term. It cannot be done at […]

Professional Experience Postings – Summer 2014 [MAS, MLIS, Dual Students]

A reminder that several Professional Experience postings are currently available to students in the MAS, MLIS and Dual programs. These placements could be a good way to gain experience over the Summer. Current ARST 596 postings include: SFU Special Collections and Rare Books Bowmer-Shoebotham Museum of Military Medicine Vancouver School Board And more. Current LIBR […]

Reminder: Deadline for SLAIS Award Applicants – Today, April 15!

The deadline for SLAIS Continuing and Graduating Awards is coming up on April 15th. Several of the awards are contingent upon an application letter to the SLAIS Director, which can be sent to Connie Wintels, the iSchool Administrative Assistant, at ischool.admin@ubc.ca . Letters should be addressed to Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite. Students are encouraged to apply! […]

September/Fall Term WISE course registration [all students]

Registration for the 2015 September/Fall term WISE courses opens April 21, 2014.  Information on the available courses can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise/14-15-wt1/wise-14-15-wt1.htm General information on WISE can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise.htm It is possible additional WISE courses will be added later. Currently six courses are listed that have been approved for qualified SLAIS students. During […]

2014 Graduates: Grad Photos

Dear 2014 graduates: Grad Photos: Artona is our grad photographer and has reserved studio time for SLAIS graduates from February 6 – April 17, 2014. Artona would like all appointments made prior to the long weekend (Thursday April 17th), however appointments can be made online until April 25th Book online at ubc-lias.artona.timetrade.com Questions? Contact Artona […]

Upcoming Deadline for SLAIS Award Applicants

The deadline for SLAIS Continuing and Graduating Awards is coming up on April 15th.  Several of the awards are contingent upon an application letter to the SLAIS Director, which can be sent to Connie Wintels, the iSchool Administrative Assistant, at ischool.admin@ubc.ca. Letters should be addressed to Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite. Students are encouraged to apply! Please […]

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