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Scholarships & Awards

ALISE / University of Washington Information School Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award

The ALISE Youth Services SIG seeks graduate student applications for the ALISE / University of Washington Information School Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award, sponsored by the University of Washington Information School. This award supports costs associated with travel to, and participation in, the January 2014 ALISE Annual Conference, in Philadelphia, PA. This award is […]

Carnegie-Whitney Awards up to $5,000

The American Library Association Publishing Committee provides a grant of up to $5,000 for the preparation of print or electronic reading lists, indexes or other guides to library resources that promote reading or the use of library resources at any type of library. Funded projects have ranged from popular, general-reader proposals such as “ReadMOre,” a […]

Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship $40,000 stipend plus $20,000 travel allowance Graduate Studies deadline 25 October, 2013: SLAIS Deadline October 11, 2013. Up to 15 Trudeau Scholarships are awarded each year to support doctoral students pursuing research in one or more of the four themes: human rights and social justice, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, […]

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