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Scholarships & Awards

Arts Graduate Research Awards – Competition now open (deadline: Feb 3, 2014)

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce the 2014 Arts Graduate Research Awards for PhD and MA graduate students.  These awards are designed to help graduate students with their research program associated with their degree.  Awards are up to $1000 and are to cover the costs of travel and other research-related expenses (but not […]

Reminder: ARLIS/NA 2014 Gerd Muehsam Award

ARLIS/NA 2014 Gerd Muehsam Award The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) is accepting applications for the 2014 Gerd Muehsam Award. This award is given annually for a student paper or web project focused on a topic relevant to art librarianship or visual curatorship. Current students and recent graduates in library studies, art history, […]

Deadline extension for Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program Applications

The deadline for submitting applications for the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program (CGS M) via the Research Portal has been extended to Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 2:00pm Vancouver time (5:00 pm Eastern Time). Please note applications already received by the granting agencies are not impacted. IMPORTANT: The Research Portal will be unavailable on Wednesday, December […]

Call for papers: LITA/Ex Libris Seeking LIS Student Authors

The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is pleased to offer an award for the best unpublished manuscript submitted by a student or students enrolled in an ALA-accredited graduate program.  Sponsored by LITA and Ex Libris, the award consists of $1,000, publication in LITA’s refereed journal, Information […]

The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Fellowship – Children’s Librarianship

An extraordinary opportunity for an extraordinary new Children’s Librarian. Harold W. McGraw Jr. was an active supporter of Darien Library with a personal commitment to education and a belief in the important role a child’s library experiences play in the beginning of life-long literacy. The McGraw family has funded the formation of a Children’s Librarian […]

1000$ Scholarship from SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) – due November 30, 2013

Since its founding in 1956, the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) has engaged in a wide variety of projects and programs designed to advance the scholarly study of Latin America, the Caribbean, Iberia and the Latino/a diasporas.  We are offering a scholarship in the fall semester of $1,000 to a […]

Science-Technology Divistion S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award

The S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award is offered to a library school student or first time conference attendee. This $1,000 award is to be used toward expenses of attending the SLA Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 8-10, 2014. QUALIFICATIONS: Be a library school student or first time attendee; be a current […]

ALISE/University of Washington Information School Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award

Are you a current graduate student in an LIS program (master’s or doctorate) with a focus on youth services (includes K12 focus)? Are you a member of the Youth Services SIG? Are you actively participating in the 2014 ALISE conference (e.g., presenting a poster or a paper, serving as a member of a panel, interviewing […]

Frances Henne / YALSA / VOYA Research Grant

Help advance our profession by advancing your research! YALSA is pleased to support the Frances Henne / YALSA / VOYA Research Grant, an annual competition that awards recipients $1000 in seed money to support small-scale research projects. The deadline for applying is December 1. The proposed research must respond to YALSA’s vision, mission, goals, and […]

Garfield Research Fellowship in the History of Information Science

The Medical Library Association Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship promotes and supports research in the history of information science. The $5000 fellowship, established in 2013, is to be used for research-related purposes regarding the history of information science to increase the underlying knowledgebase in this area and enhance the current and future practice of the information professions, […]

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