Scholarships & Awards
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – Calling all Activist-Librarians-to-be!!
The MIRIAM BRAVERMAN MEMORIAL PRIZE, a presentation of the Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG), is awarded each year for the best paper about some aspect of the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship. Papers related to archivists, archives, and archival work are also eligible. The winning paper will be published in the Summer 2014 issue […]
Upcoming Deadline for SLAIS Award Applicants
The deadline for SLAIS Continuing and Graduating Awards is coming up on April 15th. Several of the awards are contingent upon an application letter to the SLAIS Director, which can be sent to Connie Wintels, the iSchool Administrative Assistant, at Letters should be addressed to Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite. Students are encouraged to apply! Please […]
Gene Joseph First Nations Scholarship – Library, Archival and Information Studies Students
Gene Joseph First Nations Scholarship – Library, Archival and Information Studies Students Deadline Tuesday, April 15 A scholarship has been endowed in honour of Gene Joseph (MLS, 1982) by the British Columbia Library Association, First Nations Interest Group, and the University of British Columbia. The award is offered to an Aboriginal graduate student at SLAIS. […]
Submissions Sought for Student Data Curation Research Paper Competition
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) invites original student submissions for a research paper competition on data curation. The competition encourages and highlights exemplary student research on data curation, including, but not limited to, such topics as: Data management planning Support of the data curation lifecycle Metadata Data confidentiality Preservation Cost modeling […]
CLA Student Article Contest
The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program (including distance education programs), or faculty of education library program. Registered students may be full or part time; graduates should have completed their studies within one year of the competition’s closing […]
The Robert Munsch Award
Robert Munsch is an enormously successful children’s writer, Canada’s best-selling author, and arguably Guelph’s most famous living resident. He has published more than 50 individual titles, and his books have sold many millions of copies in more than a dozen languages. As part of its celebration of all things Munsch, the Guelph Public Library, in […]
FAFLRT Scholarship Nominations: Deadline is April 29, 2014
The Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table (FAFLRT) Awards Committee is now accepting applications for the <> Federal Librarians Cicely Phippen Marks Scholarship <> which is given to a library school student who has an interest in working in a Federal library. The student will receive a scholarship award of $1,500. Eligibility Criteria: * […]
Data Curation Research Paper Competition This is a new category added for 2014! ICPSR invites original student submissions for a research paper competition on the topic of data curation. Archiving and sharing research data has received significant public attention. This competition has the purpose of encouraging and highlighting exemplary student research on data curation, including, but not limited to, […]
AMS Impact Grant – Proposals Due March 17 The AMS/UBC Research Grant is a new initiative giving funding to UBC students who are interested in conducting scholarly research to build knowledge and understanding of post-secondary matters affecting UBC Vancouver’s community, so we can have a healthier, more supportive, more successful student community. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals on any topic, but […]
Joe Ann Clifton Student Award
Nominations are now open for SLA’s IT Division Student award! Joe Ann Clifton Student Award : This award is intended to promote participation in the SLA Annual Conference by an exceptional library science student. The award recipient will receive a 1-year student membership in SLA and expenses to attend the annual conference in Vancouver! […]