Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America accepts applications for its annual Internship Award each fall. This award provides financial support for students preparing for a career in art or architecture librarianship or visual resources curatorship via a grant of $2,500.00 to support a period of internship in an art library or visual resources collection.


Who May Apply

Students currently enrolled in, or having completed within the last 12 months, a graduate program in library science, art history, architectural history, architecture, studio art or museum studies may apply for the award. Applicants must have completed at least 10 credits of their graduate coursework before the application deadline, or demonstrate an equivalent combination of coursework and relevant experience.


Internship Description

Only one Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship is awarded per year. Once an award recipient has been selected, he or she will select an institution to act as host for the internship. This institution must be approved by the ARLIS/NA Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award Sub-Committee. ARLIS/NA is not responsible for matching candidates with a host institution, but will gladly assist with the process. (See Host Institutions below.)

This Internship Award will be granted during 2014. The intern is required to work on site at their chosen host institution for a minimum of 150 hours. The intern will choose to initiate their internship in the Spring, Summer or Fall of 2014. The internship must begin within 30 days of the official beginning of the selected academic session of the participant’s home institution and be completed within one academic semester or two academic quarters. Exceptions allowed by agreement between the selected intern and the ARLIS/NA Internship Award Sub-Committee. In all cases the internship must be completed within twelve months of the recipient being notified of the award.

The intern and the internship supervisor will complete brief evaluations of the internship experience.

The Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award will provide a stipend of $2,500.00 to the intern. Half of the award will be granted prior to the internship, with the remainder granted upon completion of the internship and receipt of a letter to the Chair of the Internship Award Sub-Committee signed by the Internship supervisor and intern stating the 150 hours have been completed. The award recipient will also receive a one year membership in ARLIS/NA at the student level. Interns may have the option of receiving academic credit for the internship as part of graduate study, but will be responsible for making those arrangements.

How to Apply

To apply for the award, please submit the following:

  1. A current resume.
  2. A current transcript in PDF format [this does not need to be issued directly from the institution].
  3. An essay of up to 500 words addressing the applicant’s skills and background and how those skills and experience might benefit art libraries or visual resources collections. This statement should also address the applicant’s professional goals and his/her expectations of the internship experience–including the type of institution he/she is interested in as well as potential project ideas or general areas of interest.
  4. The names of two professional or scholastic references with addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

Application materials in electronic form are preferred and should be submitted to:
Amy Ballmer
Asst. Head of Research & Instructional Services
Gladys Marcus Library, Fashion Institute of Technology
227 W. 27th Street, Room E412
New York, New York  10001
Phone: +1 212-217-4396
Email: amy_ballmer@fitnyc.edu

Host Institutions

Ideas for host institutions are available by browsing the ARLIS/NA Internship Roster. The choice of host institutions is flexible and not limited to those in the Roster.

(Note to potential host institutions: You may add your information to Roster by contacting the ARLIS/NA Website Editor, Nedda Ahmed.)

Deadlines for 2014

  • October 31, 2013: Deadline for submission of applications to Internship Award Sub-Committee
  • December 16, 2013: Internship Award Sub-Committee announces award recipient for 2014

Deadline for submission of evaluation forms and documents by intern and host institution will be within 30 days of the completion of the internship.

Additional Information

For additional information please contact the Sub-Committee Chair:

Amy Ballmer
Phone: +1 212-217-4396
Email: amy_ballmer@fitnyc.edu

REMINDER: SLAIS IT Labs – Deletion of all “I: Drive” storage accounts

As part of the ongoing restructuring of the SLAIS IT Labs infrastructure, students will no longer have access to personal storage space [usually called the I: drive].  These are the accounts that can only be accessed using one of the networked PC workstations in the Terrace and Kitimat labs.

If you are a continuing student and have any data you wish to keep stored in your I: drive space you must download it to a personal storage device or send it to your personal FTP space by September 30.  We will begin deleting all student I: drive storage accounts and the contents of those accounts after the 30th.  Once the account is gone so is the stored data and there is no way to retrieve it, so be sure and save what you want by the 30th.  Note that no changes are being made to student FTP accounts at this time.

If you are doing an out-of-town Co-op this term or for some other reason will not be on campus before September 30 and wish to save your account contents please email Susie Stephenson with your login name [same as your personal FTP login user name].  Do this before September 30.

Going forward you should always have a personal storage device [such as a thumb drive] with you when working on the PC workstations in the labs.  Remember that each time one of the workstations is restarted all data and changes made by users are erased and the workstation returns to its original status and configuration.

Printing has also been changed for the labs, please see the attached for information on how to print in the labs. You can find this in the resource section for students on the SLAIS webpage.


Kitimat_I Drive

CGSM Application Available

CGSM Application Available

The Fall 2014 CGSM application (2015-2016 competition) is now available on the Tri-Agency portal (http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/cgsm-bescm_eng.asp).

The deadline across Canada for applications is 8pm Eastern Time, 1 December, 2014. After this time, the research portal will close, and there will be no opportunity to re-open the application. This is the deadline for all application materials, including reference letters. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their references are submitted on time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q – Do I have to upload all of my undergraduate transcripts?

A – Yes, all post-secondary transcripts must be included, even if no degree was obtained or sought at a particular university (e.g. transfer or exchange credits).

Q – Can I upload a web transcript?

A – No. All uploaded transcripts must be official (originally issued by the registrar).

Q – What if I do not have a first-class average as determined by my current/previous institution(s) in each of my last two years of full-time study?

A – Your graduate program may consider forwarding your application to the university-level competition as an exceptional case, but this award opportunity is highly competitive, and they must be able to put forward a strong justification for why you should be considered despite not meeting this criteria

Now Is a Good Time to Join ALA and Your State Library Association

In fact, it’s the perfect time to join ALA and your state library association, if your state library association is one of 28 partnering with ALA to offer joint student membership. Join now for only $38.

This special dues rate is designed to help you access the benefits, networking, and career resources that come with membership. Student members, whether full- or part-time, are also given the best rates for conference registration, often at discounts as high as 75 percent off. Student members are eligible to serve on committees, run for office, and participate actively in the work of the association. So now is the time to get the most from your ALA membership:

Visit the links above and you’re sure to discover how to best enjoy your ALA student membership. Obviously, there are far more opportunities than can be listed and described here. For one thing, there are 11 divisions and 21 round tables waiting for your contributions! Explore the ALA website for many, many other ways to participate fully in your association.

Need to know more about what joining your state library association can do for you? Join Your State Library Association Today points out many excellent reasons why you should join your state library association, including receiving discounts for attending your state association’s annual conference and networking with other students, librarians, and library workers.

As importantly, it’s not only a good time to join, with budget cuts and worse directed at libraries in many states, it’s also imperative—now more than ever—to support your state library association’s efforts to advocate for and support libraries, librarians, and library workers within your state.

If you need even more reasons to join, please feel free to contact your state library association. Each can explain its numerous membership benefits in greater detail than possible here!

Note that student membership is a special discounted membership available for students engaged in a program of study or certification in MLS/ MLIS, NCATE, or LTA programs for no more than 5 total years of eligibility. For the absolutely latest information on student membership, contact ALA Membership and Customer Service at 800-545-2433 (press 5)

For more information about joint memberships, contact the ALA Chapter Relations Office.

Graduate Photos

If you are intending to graduate in Nov. 2014 or May 2015, please be advised Artona is the official grad photographer for UBC SLAIS. Appointments are now open for October (more times and dates will be available later). To ensure you are on the official composite, you need to be photographed at the Artona studio.

Book online (time slots are first-come, first-served): http://ubc-lias.artona.timetrade.com/

Session includes professional business, formal, and grad portraits
There is no sitting fee, but don’t forget the $60 deposit (See PDF for details)

See the link below for more details:

UBC Artona Grad Photos

ALISE YS SIG: ALISE/UW Graduate Student Travel Award

The Youth Services SIG Co-Chairs are seeking graduate student applicants for the Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award, generously sponsored by the University of Washington Information School. The full award description is here: http://www.alise.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=426

Please note the submission deadline of November 7, 2014.

Are you eligible? Check the criteria below to find out!
1) You will be enrolled in an LIS graduate program (master¹s or doctoral) during the ALISE Conference (January 27-30, 2015).
2) Your program of study includes a concentration in youth services (broadly defined as materials and/or services, children and/or young adults, everyday setting and/or library setting).
3) You are a member ALISE and a member of the Youth Services SIG.
4) You are actively participating in the conference (e.g.,presenting a paper, serving on a panel, interviewing for a faculty position).

Yes! I¹m eligible!
Please submit your application, including the following in PDF or Word format, by November 7, 2014:
1) A one-page, single-spaced letter describing your interest and work in the youth services area.
2) Evidence of participation in the upcoming conference (e.g., emailed poster/paper acceptance, panel notification).
3) Current curriculum vitae.

No, I¹m not eligible‹but I know someone who is!
Great! Send them this message and encourage them to apply!

The award amount is $750, and beyond that, it¹s a great item to
include on your CV when you¹re job-hunting!

Good luck and best regards,

Denice Adkins & Robin Kurz, your Youth Services SIG Co-Chairs


A wonderful free event of hundreds of readings, activities, exhibitors, workshops on writing, publishing, all genres – for kids, teens, adults. All day Saturday and Sunday coming up.

It is located at the Central library on Georgia St in downtown Vancouver for two days. There will also be other events happening around Vancouver area.

For more information click this link!


University of Illinois hosts Library Research Seminar VI

On October 7-9, librarians, scholars, and LIS students will gather in Champaign, Illinois, for the Library Research Seminar VI. The seminar, held every three to four years at differing locations, will be hosted this year at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by the University Library, the University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and the American Library Association’s Library Research Round Table (LRRT).

The theme of this year’s seminar is, “The Engaged Librarian: Libraries Partnering with Campus and Community.” Discussions will center on new possibilities for collaboration and cross-disciplinary research to contribute to development of knowledge and growth of partnerships between libraries, educators, and their communities. Presentations, panel discussions, and workshops will begin the afternoon of Tuesday, October 7 and conclude at noon on Thursday, October 9. Registration is open and student rates are available. Visit http://www.library.illinois.edu/lrs6/for more information.

“The periodic Library Research Seminars enable the Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association to partner with academic institutions to further its mission of contributing toward the extension and improvement of library research. These conferences provide important venues for dissemination and discussion of research findings. We are particularly pleased that GSLIS and the University Library are collaborating in this effort to enable all the participants to explore this year’s timely theme,” said Linda C. Smith, GSLIS professor and associate dean for academic programs and member of the conference organizing committee.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library holds more than thirteen million volumes, more than 120,000 serial titles, and more than nine million manuscripts, maps, slides, audio tapes, microforms, videotapes, laser discs, and other nonprint material. The University Library is ranked highly nationally and globally, and its collections and services are used heavily by students, faculty, and scholars. More than one million items are circulated annually, and many more are used on site and virtually from anywhere in the world. For more information, please visit www.library.illinois.edu.

The Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) is a world leader in library and information science education, research, and practice, consistently ranked the top LIS program by U.S. News & World Report. Founded in 1893, GSLIS helped establish and develop the field of library and information science as it is now known. Today the School carries on its long tradition of excellence and innovation by translating the core principles of library science to meet the needs of the information society. A charter member of the iSchools Project, GSLIS offers master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as certificates of advanced study and continuing professional development opportunities. Learn more at www.lis.illinois.edu.

SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship


Awarded biannually since December 2011, the SALALM Scholarship was established to encourage professional and leadership development in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian studies academic librarianship.

Beginning with the fall 2014 competition, a conference travel award of up to $1500 will be given to a master’s student in an ALA-accredited library and information science or archival studies program to defray the costs of attending the SALALM annual conference. The next conference will be June 13-17, 2015, hosted by Princeton University.

Awardees will be asked to write a summary of their conference experience, to be posted on the SALALM website.

Since its founding in 1956, the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, SALALM, has provided the only national and international forum focused on Latin American studies research librarianship, library collections, and services. The SALALM Conference Attendance Scholarship will include a one-year membership in the organization.

SLAIS Student Chapter for the Canadian Association of Law Libraries

Interested in a career in legal information?

Join a vibrant, sharing community of legal information professionals and become a member of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries!

CALL is looking for a student to join the ranks of our members and to start a Special Interest Group (SIG) at the UBC iSchool. Joining CALL is a great opportunity to get involved in the legal information profession, and becoming your school’s CALL SIG representative is a unique chance to distinguish yourself as a new information professional.

For more information contact: Katherine Melville, CALL Membership
Development Committee Co-Chair: kmelville@farris.com

CALL for Schools September 2014 BC

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Arts CMS
2329 West Mall
Room 1170,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.805.6120