Brown Bag Information Session –Information Literacy Toolkit for Faculty and Instructors – January 31, 2014

All Library staff, iSchool Students and Faculty are invited to this session with Teaching & Learning (Flexible Learning) Librarian Erin Fields and GAA/Professional Experience Student Samantha Mills for a look at the new Information Literacy Toolkit for Faculty and Instructors. This session will discuss the process of creating the multimedia toolkit. The project’s goal is to support and enhance the development of effective research assignments for first-year students by promoting awareness of first-year perspectives and Library resources. The toolkit was developed based on a variety of evidence types, pairing a traditional literature review and an examination of the efforts of other institutions, with evidence gathered directly from first-year students as well as librarians, faculty members and other stakeholders.


Date:  January 31, 2014

Time:  3 – 4pm

Location:  Chilcotin Room



Teacher-Librarian Looking for Volunteers

Dear SLAIS students,

Would you like to gain experience in a school library?

I will need help to plan and put on a book fair at my school library in Richmond in February, Feb. 14, 17, 18, 19 and 20th.

If you are interested in helping, please contact me.


Thank you.

Janet Mumford, Teacher Librarian


AJL Scholarship


The Association of Jewish Libraries is pleased to announce a scholarship of $1000 to a student enrolled or accepted in a graduate school of library and information science.

Prospective candidates should have a knowledge of and interest in Jewish Studies, and demonstrate the potential, ability, and intention of pursuing a career in Judaica Librarianship.


The application is available on the AJL website at

Apply Now – ARLIS/NA Washington, DC, Conference Travel Awards

Conference Travel Awards – Apply Now!


The ARLIS/NA Travel Awards Committee is pleased to announce the followingTravel Awards for attending annual Conference of ARLIS/NA, to be held May 1-5, in Washington, DC.

Details about the conference can be found here:

The application form can be found at:

More information about the Travel Awards can be found on the ARLIS/NA website:


Several awards are available to students and non-ARLIS members.  Please feel free to send this announcement to others who might benefit from attending our wonderful conference!

Application deadline for all awards listed below: February 5, 2014, 11:59pm EST.

Conference Travel Awards Open to Current ARLIS/NA Members

Conference Attendance Award (1 award/$1000)

Eligibility: Individual member who serves as a committee member, group moderator, and/or chapter officer.
Purpose: To encourage participation in ARLIS/NA by assisting conference attendance by committee members, chapter officers, and moderators, of divisions, sections, and round tables.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Merrill Wadsworth Smith Travel Award in Architecture Librarianship ($1000)

This award is funded anonymously in honor of the late Merrill Wadsworth Smith. Merrill was an active member of ARLIS/NA serving as its President in 1991 and was the Associate Head  Librarian of the Rotch Architecture Library at MIT.
Eligibility: ARLIS/NA members who are actively, but not necessarily exclusively, involved with the field of architecture in visual and/or print collections including librarians, visual resources curators, archivists, and students.
Purpose: To encourage participation of members active in the field of Architecture Librarianship, Visual Resources Professionals in Architecture dominated collections, Archivists, and students interested in Architecture Librarianship who could not attend the conference without financial assistance.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Andrew Cahan Photography Award ($1000)

Eligibility: Members who are actively involved in the field of photography through reference, research, or bibliographic work.
Purpose: To encourage participation of members active in the field of photography who could not attend the conference without financial assistance.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Student Conference Attendance Award ($1000)

Eligibility: Student members who are active participants in ARLIS/NA and are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage participation in ARLIS/NA by assisting students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to attend the annual ARLIS/NA conference.
Application Procedures (including online form)



Conference Travel Awards Open to All Eligible Applicants:

Howard Karno Award ($1000)

Eligibility: Art librarians residing in Latin America or Art Librarians residing in North America working with significant Latin American art/architecture research collections or researching subjects or themes related to Latin American art/architecture.
Purpose: To encourage professional development of art librarians who work to advance the study of Latin American art through interaction with ARLIS/NA colleagues and conference participation.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Judith A. Hoffberg Student Award for Conference Attendance ($1000)

Sponsored by the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) the Judith A. Hoffberg Student Award for Conference Attendance is given annually in honor of the founding of ARLIS/NA and its first president. The Art Libraries Society of North America was founded in 1972 by a group of art librarians attending the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago at the initiative of Judith Hoffberg.
Eligibility: Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Student Diversity Award for Conference Attendance ($1000)

Eligibility: Students from a traditionally under-represented group who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage multicultural students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA.
Application Procedures (including online form)


Deadline for January 2014 Registration

Dear Students:

Please be aware of the following deadlines for January 2014 Registration

Monday, 20 January, 2014

Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses without withdrawal standing of “W” recorded on a student’s academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a “W” standing.

** Important: Some drop deadlines for SLAIS courses has already passed. Please consult your courses in the Course Schedule for specific information.

Term 2 courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most courses. Consult your courses in the Course Schedule for specific information.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Distance Education Term D courses: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal for most Distance Education Term D courses without a withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific drop/withdrawal dates.

Distance Education Term D courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most Winter Session Distance Education Term D courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Interrogating Access conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Feb. 15-16, 2014

Registration is now open for the Interrogating Access Conference, to be held on February 15-16, 2014 at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario. Information about pricing (student and one day rates available), accommodations and travel (including carpooling arrangements) can be found at:  Interrogating Access is a conference designed to bring together a range of stakeholders in scholarship, particularly those working in the social sciences and humanities. Academic researchers and librarians, university and college administrators, scholarly editors and publishers, students, and representatives from funding agencies and scholarly associations are all invited to attend and participate to advance our mutual knowledge and understanding about current and future directions of the pursuit, support, and communication of Canadian scholarship.

Panels will be addressing journal and monograph publishing, copyright, the effects of technology and funding on the scholarly ecosystem, and the future of the scholarly infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences in Canada. The keynote address by Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Scholarly Communications, Modern Languages Society, will discuss potential paths forward for scholarly societies.  Presenters include Rowland Lorimer (Director, Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing, Simon Fraser University), Bill Harnum (Board of Directors, Access Copyright), Douglas Peers (Dean of Arts, University of Waterloo, and Director of Development, CFHSS), Stuart R. Poyntz (Communications, SFU and co-chair, ASPP Academic Council, CFHSS), Brian Owen (Associate University Librarian for Processing and Systems, SFU and PKP Managing Director), Carole Stephenson (Projects Officer: E-Resources, and Associate University Librarian, WLU), Michael Ridley (Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Librarian University of Guelph) and Brian Henderson (Director, WLU Press). The full conference program is also available at:

This conference is co-sponsored by Wilfrid Laurier University (with support of the Office of Research Services) and York University.


Lisa Quinn, Acquisitions Editor, Wilfrid Laurier University Press

Janet Friskney, Research Officer, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University

Andrea Kosavic, Digital Initiatives Librarian, York University

IFLA/ekz LIS Student Paper Award 2014

The IFLA Education & Training Section in collaboration with ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH has the pleasure to announce the 6th IFLA/ekz LIS Student Paper Award for 2014.

The IFLA/ekz LIS Student Paper Award will honour students of Library and Information Science whose abstract submissions have been accepted by any IFLA Section or IFLA Unit to be presented at the upcoming 80th IFLA Congress, 16–22 August, 2014 in Lyon, France

Three finalists will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. From these three finalists, the winner will be chosen and receive the IFLA Congress registration fee plus grant for economy airfare and economical lodging to attend the IFLA Congress 2014, in total up to 1000 €.  The winner will also receive a 1 year free IFLA membership, plus the recommendation for publication of the paper in the IFLA Journal. Second and third place finalists will receive a certificate plus 1 year free IFLA Education & Training Section membership.

The finalists will be announced in May 2014. The winner will be announced officially during the Press Conference of the Congress in Lyon.

For details, please visit:

Last date of submission of applications: 1 May 2014

IFLA WLIC Lyon 2014: Committee on Standards – Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Committee on Standards

Library standards: confluence with world trends

The IFLA Committee on Standards invites papers to be presented at 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Lyon, France, August 2014.

The session will focus on how standards will be influenced by new and emerging trends and what impact standards will have on the evolution of the new directions in libraries and societies as identified in the IFLA Trend Report and similar documents.

The Committee on Standards programme will focus on new standards, case studies on how standards and guidelines are influenced by new trends, and how these trends will be redefining our approach to standards and guidelines. Will this confluence create new standards that are more flexible, adaptable, more varied and more timely or will this reduce the need for standards?

Contributions are invited on topics such as:

  • Trends in national and international standards
  • Innovation and standards
  • Open access, open source
  • Preserving heritage digital content
  • New competences and skills in standards work

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be submitted in English by email. This should include:

  • an abstract (300 words)
  • biographical and contact information


Patrice Landry
Chair, Committee on Standards

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Committee. Authors of the selected proposals will be notified by March 10 2014. Full papers will be due by 30 May 2014 to allow time for editing and translations.

Paper Presentation

Complete accepted papers should be 3000-6000 words in length, be an original submission not published elsewhere

Final papers should be written in English to a allow for wider translation possibilities

In accordance with IFLA’s Open Access Statement all papers presented at WLIC Lyon 2014 will be available under a Creative Commons licence. Authors will need to sign IFLA’s Author form and papers and presentations will be made available through the IFLA Library.


All proposals must be in before 15 February 2014.

Please note

Authors of accepted presentations will be requested to agree to publication of their paper in the IFLA library under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported licence (CC BY 3.0) to their work.

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA or the sponsoring sections, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required.

Congress Attendance Grants

The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on ourConference Participation Grants webpage.


Lead, Children’s and Young Adult Collections

POSITION NAME: Lead, Children’s and Young Adult Collections

Reporting to the Collections Manager, the Children’s and Young Adult Collections Lead is responsible for the development and delivery of children’s and young adult collections in all formats throughout the system. The Children’s and Young Adult Collections Lead shapes the nature and quality of children’s and young adult collections through the selection and acquisition of material, the development of policies, guidelines and procedures related to collections, and the development of innovative collection management strategies that enhance patron access to and use of collections in real and virtual environments. The Children’s and Young Adult Collections Lead uses evidence-based assessment in the development and implementation of service improvements.

1. Select and acquire all assigned children’s and young adult collections, ensure that collections are balanced and current, liaise with Unit Heads and respond to patron expectations with respect to collections.
2. Develop, with other Collections Leads, collection management policies, guidelines, manuals and procedures that ensure effectiveness and efficiency, and that enhance patron access to and use of collections throughout the system. Write reports and compose correspondence including responses to patron requests for reconsideration of materials.
3. Identify and research emerging trends in all areas of publishing and collection development, initiate proposals and make recommendations regarding their adoption at the Regina Public Library.
4. Monitor children’s and young adult collections budget expenditures, and plan and recommend to the Collections and Programming Manager an annual children’s and young adult collections budget in consultation with Unit Heads and other members of the collection team.
5. Develop weeding guidelines and schedules, support service point staff in deselection and collection maintenance and oversee the weeding of children’s and young adult material throughout the system.
6. Develop, with other Collections Leads, and in consultation with Marketing and Communications, strategies that enhance awareness of the collection and enable the Library’s patrons to locate and use materials which support their needs and interests.
7. Undertake, with the Assessment Librarian, regular assessment and analysis of children’s and young adult collections and collection services and, with other Collections Leads, contribute to the overall direction, evaluation, and analysis of all collections throughout the system.
8. Design and develop workshops to staff, parents, and teachers to highlight and promote various collections formats and subjects.
Competition #01/14
Lead, Children’s and Young Adult Collections
9. Lead teams in the planning and implementation of projects for the RPL system and is a member of system-wide committees, as assigned.
10. Recommend furnishing solutions for collections and spaces for children and young adults.
11. Undertake ongoing professional development activities leading to a broad and in-depth knowledge of professional issues and current library practices, trends, standards in children’s and young adult services, and related professional issues.
12. Initiate proposals and make recommendations for the adoption of new service direction and innovation, and the development of new approaches at Regina Public Library.
13. Perform other duties as required.

1. An ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies.
2. Minimum of three years of professional library experience as a children’s librarian.
3. Demonstrated knowledge of children’s and young adult literature, theories of early literacy and reading development, and theories of child and young adult development, behavior, psychology and learning.
4. Demonstrated commitment to deliver consistent, high quality customer service.
5. Demonstrated knowledge of collection management, current collection practices, trends and issues regarding children’s and young adult services.
6. Demonstrated ability to work constructively in a collaborative decision-making framework.
7. Demonstrated ability to lead teams in work and projects related to the ongoing delivery of collection-based services
8. Demonstrated strong oral and written communication skills, including public speaking and the delivery of presentations.
9. Demonstrated analytical skills and problem-solving ability, including the ability to assess and solve problems using logical, fact-based reasoning.
10. Demonstrated ability to develop and lead innovation, and to handle multiple priorities.
11. Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain positive working relationships with the public, staff, and external agencies and to work as member of a team.
12. Demonstrated knowledge of current technology, current collection practices, trends, and issues related to Public Library services such as might be gained through experience, education, and professional activities.

Salary Range: $62,037.75 to $73,844.46

Review of applications will begin on February 3, 2014. Please forward résumé and cover letter to:
Human Resources
Mail: Box 2311, Regina, SK S4P 3Z5
Fax: 306-949-7273

The successful candidate shall be subject to a Criminal Record Check as a condition of employment.

3MT coaching, Interacting with the Media + Managing Projects

Registration is now open for:

3MT Coaching Sessions/Tips for a great presentation: Come and learn about the competition and how to prepare a winning presentation.  Sessions open to students, staff and faculty.  Learn more about the program at .

Graduate students: Please come prepared to practice presenting your research.

Tuesday, January 21

9:00am – 10:00am: Webinar (technical information provided with registration)

10:30am – 12:00pm: In person workshop (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre)

To register, please visit:

Wednesday, February 12 (repeat)

Webinar: 1:00pm – 2:00pm (technical information provided with registration)

In person: 2:30pm – 4:00pm (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre)

To register, please visit:


Managing Projects (a GPS/Mitacs Step workshop):

Wednesday, January 22. 9:00am to 5:00 PM

For a complete session description, visit .

To register, please visit:


Introduction to Interacting with the Media: (presented by UBC Public Affairs; this session is also great for prospective 3MT presenters as it will talk about use of appropriate language)

Friday, January 24, 9:00 – 10:30 AM

For a  complete session description, please visit:

To register, please visit:

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Arts CMS
2329 West Mall
Room 1170,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.805.6120