Conference Travel Awards – Apply Now!
The ARLIS/NA Travel Awards Committee is pleased to announce the followingTravel Awards for attending annual Conference of ARLIS/NA, to be held May 1-5, in Washington, DC.
Details about the conference can be found here:
The application form can be found at:
More information about the Travel Awards can be found on the ARLIS/NA website:
Several awards are available to students and non-ARLIS members. Please feel free to send this announcement to others who might benefit from attending our wonderful conference!
Application deadline for all awards listed below: February 5, 2014, 11:59pm EST.
Conference Travel Awards Open to Current ARLIS/NA Members
Conference Attendance Award (1 award/$1000)
Eligibility: Individual member who serves as a committee member, group moderator, and/or chapter officer.
Purpose: To encourage participation in ARLIS/NA by assisting conference attendance by committee members, chapter officers, and moderators, of divisions, sections, and round tables.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Merrill Wadsworth Smith Travel Award in Architecture Librarianship ($1000)
This award is funded anonymously in honor of the late Merrill Wadsworth Smith. Merrill was an active member of ARLIS/NA serving as its President in 1991 and was the Associate Head Librarian of the Rotch Architecture Library at MIT.
Eligibility: ARLIS/NA members who are actively, but not necessarily exclusively, involved with the field of architecture in visual and/or print collections including librarians, visual resources curators, archivists, and students.
Purpose: To encourage participation of members active in the field of Architecture Librarianship, Visual Resources Professionals in Architecture dominated collections, Archivists, and students interested in Architecture Librarianship who could not attend the conference without financial assistance.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Andrew Cahan Photography Award ($1000)
Eligibility: Members who are actively involved in the field of photography through reference, research, or bibliographic work.
Purpose: To encourage participation of members active in the field of photography who could not attend the conference without financial assistance.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Student Conference Attendance Award ($1000)
Eligibility: Student members who are active participants in ARLIS/NA and are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage participation in ARLIS/NA by assisting students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to attend the annual ARLIS/NA conference.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Conference Travel Awards Open to All Eligible Applicants:
Howard Karno Award ($1000)
Eligibility: Art librarians residing in Latin America or Art Librarians residing in North America working with significant Latin American art/architecture research collections or researching subjects or themes related to Latin American art/architecture.
Purpose: To encourage professional development of art librarians who work to advance the study of Latin American art through interaction with ARLIS/NA colleagues and conference participation.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Judith A. Hoffberg Student Award for Conference Attendance ($1000)
Sponsored by the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) the Judith A. Hoffberg Student Award for Conference Attendance is given annually in honor of the founding of ARLIS/NA and its first president. The Art Libraries Society of North America was founded in 1972 by a group of art librarians attending the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago at the initiative of Judith Hoffberg.
Eligibility: Students who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA.
Application Procedures (including online form)
Student Diversity Award for Conference Attendance ($1000)
Eligibility: Students from a traditionally under-represented group who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program in Library Studies and/or Information Studies or have recently graduated (within 12 mos. of graduation).
Purpose: To encourage multicultural students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA.
Application Procedures (including online form)