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Association of Architecture School Librarians Conference – Student Award



The AASL Conference Student Award is intended to introduce a library school student interested in a career in architecture school librarianship to the membership and activities of AASL through attendance at the organization’s annual conference. The upcoming conference will be held in Miami, FL, April 10-12, 2014.


1) $500 for travel expenses (disbursed to the recipient following the annual meeting after the post-conference report is received by the Awards Committee Chair).
2) waiver of the annual meeting registration fee
3) waiver of annual AASL dues for a period of one year


Any student who is currently enrolled in an ALA accredited graduate program and alumni of ALA accredited graduate programs who have graduated within twelve months of the application deadline are eligible to apply.


Prior to the deadline applicants must submit:
1) a completed online application form
2) a current résumé to the AASL Awards Committee Chair Elizabeth Schaub: eschaub@austin.utexas.edu


1) The recipient of the award must confirm in writing via e-mail that s/he is able to meet the requirement of full conference attendance.
2) The recipient of the award will submit a brief post-conference report for posting on the AASL Website. The report should outline conference activities and experiences and include an account of how the award supported professional development goals.

Friday, February 14, 2014, 12 am PST

Inquiries about the award should be directed to:

Elizabeth Schaub
Director, Visual Resources Collection
School of Architecture
The University of Texas at Austin
310 Inner Campus Drive, B7500
Austin, TX 78712-1009
e-mail: eschaub@austin.utexas.edu
phone: 512.471.5003

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