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ARMA VI Conference in Nanaimo, BC in April

ARMA Vancouver Island Presents:

Strategies for Information Governance: A Full-Day Conference in Nanaimo, BC

Date: Monday, April 14, 2014
Time:  8:45 AM to 4:00 PM (PDT)
Place: Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 101 Gordon St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5J8
Admission: $120 ARMA members; $150  non-members (visit www.armavi.org to register)

Please note: Deadline for registration is April 11, 2014.

Please join us for our popular one-day Information Governance and Records Management conference.

Our sessions include three informative talks, covering everything from how to set up a records management program, through to information and privacy and managing records in SharePoint 2010. And, as always, lots of time to network!

For more information, including the day’s agenda, session descriptions and presenters’ bios, please visit our website at www.armavi.org.

Any questions, please contact Ken Oldenburger, ARMA VI president, at koconsult@shaw.ca

See you there!

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