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Art Libraries Society of North America Announces the 2015 Gerd Muehsam Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) sponsors the annual Gerd Muehsam Award, recognizing excellence in a graduate student paper or project on a topic relevant to art librarianship. ARLIS/NA established the award to honor the memory of Gerd Muehsam (1913-1979), distinguished scholar, teacher, and art bibliographer, whose support of and dedication to ARLIS/NA […]

Community Engaged Learning: Meet and Greet for SLAIS Students

Curious about Community Engaged Learning (CEL)? Want to explore its potential for SLAIS? Join us for the conversation.

Graduate Pathways to Success: Networking (Mitacs)

Registration is now open for the following Graduate Pathways to Success session: Networking (offered in partnership with the PDFO and Mitacs Step) Thursday, October 16th, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM For a complete session description, see https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/12103-networkingTo register, visit https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g38ef VOTE to support UBC’s Stephanie Harvard for People’s Choice in the Universitas21 3MT international competition. […]

Lecture Series: BC Treaty-Making in the Twenty-First Century

A history of the treaty process between the BC governments and First Nations in the 21st Century by one of Canada’s leading historians and 2014 Killam Prize Winner Jim Miller. When: October 20th, 2014 Time: 4:00 pm Where: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre IBLC 182 Jim Miller Killam Laureate talk announcement Oct 20 2014 final […]

Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America accepts applications for its annual Internship Award each fall. This award provides financial support for students preparing for a career in art or architecture librarianship or visual resources curatorship via a grant of $2,500.00 to support a period of internship in an art library or visual resources collection. LIST OF […]

REMINDER: SLAIS IT Labs – Deletion of all “I: Drive” storage accounts

As part of the ongoing restructuring of the SLAIS IT Labs infrastructure, students will no longer have access to personal storage space [usually called the I: drive]. These are the accounts that can only be accessed using one of the networked PC workstations in the Terrace and Kitimat labs.

CGSM Application Available

CGSM Application Available The Fall 2014 CGSM application (2015-2016 competition) is now available on the Tri-Agency portal (http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/cgsm-bescm_eng.asp). The deadline across Canada for applications is 8pm Eastern Time, 1 December, 2014. After this time, the research portal will close, and there will be no opportunity to re-open the application. This is the deadline for all […]

Now Is a Good Time to Join ALA and Your State Library Association

In fact, it’s the perfect time to join ALA and your state library association, if your state library association is one of 28 partnering with ALA to offer joint student membership. Join now for only $38. This special dues rate is designed to help you access the benefits, networking, and career resources that come with […]

Graduate Photos

If you are intending to graduate in Nov. 2014 or May 2015, please be advised Artona is the official grad photographer for UBC SLAIS. Appointments are now open for October (more times and dates will be available later). To ensure you are on the official composite, you need to be photographed at the Artona studio.

ALISE YS SIG: ALISE/UW Graduate Student Travel Award

The Youth Services SIG Co-Chairs are seeking graduate student applicants for the Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award, generously sponsored by the University of Washington Information School. The full award description is here: http://www.alise.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=426

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