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ARMA VI: Elizabeth Denham Talk – Latest developments re:information and privacy issues (All Students)

We at ARMA Vancouver Island are pleased to host recent newsmaker, BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, for a quick ½-hour speaking engagement at St Ann’s Academy on April 26 (see details below). She will be available for questions after her talk. Please register at http://denham.eventbrite.ca/

Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship – Deadline Friday April 5th (All Students)

Applications open for 2013 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship To apply visit www.ftrf.org/?Conable_Scholarship CHICAGO- The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) has opened applications for the 2013 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, which will enable a library school student or new professional to attend ALA’s 2013 Annual Conference, held June 27-July 2 in Chicago, Ill.

Come hear about the CALL/ACBD Student SIG (All Students)

Be a part of this new initiative! In November 2012, the CALL/ACBD Executive approved the formation of the new Student SIG. This SIG aims to encourage the student membership within CALL/ACBD and work with different University library schools across Canada to promote Legal Information Management as a career path as well as promote the benefits […]

Free webinar – Job Hunting for Today’s Libraries in Today’s Job Market. (MLIS, Dual)

LLAMA HRS and University of Florida Libraries will present a Free webinar on Job Hunting for Today’s Libraries in Today’s Job Market. (MLIS, Dual) You have your MLS degree—but what’s next?  Applying for and interviewing for a job can be fraught with anxiety and frustrations.  But you can put yourself ahead of the herd with […]

AABC/NWA Conference Call for Posters (All Students)

The joint AABC/NWA Annual Conference will take place on May 3-4, 2013 in Vancouver, BC at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, University of  British Columbia. We will have room available for posters at the conference. If you would like to share your poster, please include your name, contact information, the title of the poster […]

Short-term study abroad course for summer 2013: Museum Origins in Florence, Italy (MASLIS and MLIS students)

This three-credit graduate-level course from Kent State University is scheduled for June 10 through August 3, with on-site in Florence, Italy, from June 30 through July 13. Applications are now being accepted. Class size is limited and the application deadline is March 1. Details and application materials can be found at http://www.kent.edu/slis/programs/mlis/museum-studies-museum-origins.cfm. To use this […]

WILU 2013 – Early Registration is now OPEN! (All Students)

Join us in Fredericton, New Brunswick  for an exciting three days focused on teaching in a library context.  Our theme – Synchronicity: The Time is Now – reflects the increasing need for Instruction Librarians to balance a myriad of seemingly competing demands. Presentations will  consider what it means to provide timely information literacy programs in a world of […]

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