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Research Commons FIREtalk: Indigenizing the Academy [All]

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission events in Vancouver support reconciliation between Aboriginal people and wider Canadian society. To continue the conversation, Xwi7xwa Library and the Research Commons at Koerner Library invite you to participate in a FIREtalk at the First Nations House of Learning Hall on Oct 23, 4-6 pm. (Note new date)

How can the academy engage Aboriginal and Indigenous knowledge? What are some ways researchers at UBC – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – are using Indigenous methodologies and incorporating Indigenous knowledge?  What challenges arise and how can we address them?  

Be part of the discussion: submit your proposals for a 5-minute presentation by the 2nd of October, 2013. Find more information at: http://bit.ly/FTpresent

Interested but don’t want to present? Attend as an audience member and join the discussion after the presentations! To attend without presenting, register at: http://bit.ly/23OctFt

FIREtalks: An interdisciplinary forum for graduate students, by graduate students. Find out more at: http://bit.ly/firetalk

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