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Opportunity for SLAIS Students to Attend Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance (PRDLA) meeting at UBC

UBC Library is hosting the PRDLA (Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance) annual meeting October 2-4.  This is a group of Pacific Rim academic libraries that meet once a year to discuss improved access to scholarly resources; this year’s theme is “Community and Collaboration – the Digital Pacific”. This is a meeting of AULs and library […]

External Courses for SLAIS Students [MAS, MLIS, Dual]

As the school year is underway and you are solidifying your course schedules, please take note of the procedures for taking courses external from SLAIS. Students in the MAS and MLIS programs can take up to 12 credits outside of the program. Students in the Dual program can take up to 9 credits outside of […]

Work Learn Positions [MLIS, MAS, Dual]

Be aware that several Work Learn positions with UBC Library and Archives have been posted recently. Some of the positions have quite a short turnaround time before they will be closed, so this may be a good chance to secure employment for the Fall term. You can view such positions on the Work Learn site […]

Professional Experience Opportunities [MAS, MLIS, Dual]

For students looking to gain experience in the field while earning academic credit this upcoming semester, please take a look at the recent LIBR/ARST 596: Professional Experience placement opportunities at the iSchool Blog. Recent postings include opportunities with: UBC Library SFU Library BCIT Library and Archives Union of BC Indian Chiefs City of Vancouver For […]

UBC’s Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Presents JonArno Lawson

A Talk from the Bottom of the Box: Reflections of an Award-winning Poet for Youth Wednesday, September 25, 12:00 – 1:00 pm The Dodson Room, Room 302 Chapman Learning Commons, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, UBC      

SLAIS professor and SLAIS students and alumni publish book [All Students]

Judith Saltman and five SLAIS students and alumni, Dan Gillean, Jamie McCarthy, Myron Groover, Justin Unrau, and Rachel Balko, have authored The Canada IFLA Adventure: 85 Years of Canadian Participation in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1927 to 2012. Published by the Canadian Library Association in July 2013, and launched at the […]

September Term Courses [Continuing Students]

All students should review their September term course registrations.  Please drop any courses you do not intend to take ASAP as this will allow other students to take the course if there is a wait list. It is each student’s personal responsibility to manage their own course registrations.  If you are registered for a course […]

Get Skilled with CTLT Summer Institute and UBC Community Leadership Program [All Students]

Dear Graduate Students, This week we’re gearing up for the future with some career development opportunities. Late August and early September will be super busy, so take a minute to look at these while you still have some spare time! Applications for the UBC Community Leadership Program are open to graduate students. Participants will receive […]

Course on Social Networks in Term 2 (Jan – April 2014) [All Students]

Sociology 599A.  Special Topics Seminar: Social Networks 3 Credits BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION Instructor: Dr. D.B. Tindall Term 2 (January – April 2014) Time: Mondays: 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Location: Buchanan B101 Since its earliest inception, social network analysis has evolved from a relatively simple yet novel method (e.g. through graph theory and related initial measures of […]

ForwardFocus 2013 Registration is open! Free student registration! [MLIS, Dual]

Registration for the 2nd annual ForwardFocus is now open! This unique conference focusing on community college libraries will be held on October 25, 2013, both in person at Illinois Central College and across the nation virtually via Blackboard Collaborate.  In order to ensure the conversations continue beyond ForwardFocus, you will also get automatically enrolled in […]

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