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Tips and Tricks for Formatting Your Thesis: Little Things Mean A Lot! (All Students)

Are you worried about getting your thesis/dissertation into the format required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies? Would you like to know more about how to use the formatting features in Microsoft Word? Research Commons staff will help you with your questions about the nuts and bolts of formatting: page layout, numbering, headings, front matter, […]

Citation Management Using RefWorks, Zotero or Mendeley (All Students)

Need to manage large numbers of references and citations as part of your research, teaching or administrative work? Citation management tools are for you. These tools provide a simple way to store, organize and retrieve your citations in an effective manner, and can also help you in formatting in-text citations and bibliographies in your work. […]

Final Call for Poster Proposals: Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) 2013 Conference (MLIS, DUAL, PhD)

Got an innovative library-based project, best practices to solve a problem, or unique research findings? Consider sharing them in a poster session! Posters should be an eye-catching visual representation of a topic, including graphics, tables, charts, text, and images. Presenters can communicate additional details via online handouts. Presenters share their ideas with colleagues as attendees […]

Digging into Digital Book Collections (All Students)

Learn how to further your research by using digital book collections including Google Books and the Hathi Trust. You will leave this workshop knowing: how to search within books to locate research material not evident from title or chapter descriptions, conduct more thorough literature reviews on primary sources, perform cited reference searches, conduct historical word […]

Registration Open: Changing Times, Inspiring Libraries (MLIS, DUAL, PhD)

December 6th (evening) & December 7th 2012. Leading Libraries Start with Community A changing economy, a more diverse culture, a new information landscape; today’s citizen needs more knowledge, more quickly and from more sources than ever before, and they will be coming to libraries to get it. Will we be ready? Keynote speaker David Lankes […]

Call for Proposals: BC Library Conference 2013 (MLIS, DUAL and PhD Students)

Please see the following call for proposals from the British Columbia Library Association. The BC Libraries Conference is May 9th to 11th, 2013 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond BC.  The 2013 theme is “Are We There Yet?”  With all the discussion about change and transition in the library community these days we […]

Free Student Memberships, Calgary Law Library Group (MLIS, DUAL)

The Calgary Law Library Group is offering free memberships to students enrolled in UBC’s MLIS and Dual MAS/MLIS programs. If you are interested in working in Calgary after graduation, consider joining CLLG.  Benefits of membership include: Connecting with professionals in many areas of librarianship including law firm, government, academic and corporate libraries. Access to the […]

Search function and archive added to portal (All Students)

The CMS site that feeds the announcements in the portal to students now has a search box and access to prior months posts. There is still no “See previous posts” function that we can turn on, but this should solve the problem. When you click on September, it shows you all the posts for the […]

Registration for 2013 January term WISE courses (All Students)

Registration for the 2013 January term WISE courses opens **October 29, 2012**. Information on the available courses can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise/12-13-wt2/wise-12-13-wt2.htm General information on WISE can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise.htm It is possible additional WISE courses will be added later. Currently five courses are listed that have been approved for qualified SLAIS students. ————– […]

UBC MOOC on Program Design (All Students)

As you may know, UBC is embarking on a pilot project to offer three MOOC courses next year (MOOCs are free, “massive, open online courses”). These are taught by UBC professors, but not for credit. One of them is Introduction to Systematic Program Design, intended for people who aren’t experts in computer science. Description: This […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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