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Research Commons FIREtalk: Indigenizing the Academy [All]

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission events in Vancouver support reconciliation between Aboriginal people and wider Canadian society. To continue the conversation, Xwi7xwa Library and the Research Commons at Koerner Library invite you to participate in a FIREtalk at the First Nations House of Learning Hall on Oct 23, 4-6 pm. (Note new date) How can the […]

Registration Deadlines for September 2013 [All]

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record.  Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with […]

November 2013 Graduation – Application Deadline [All students]

Monday, 16 September   Last Day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all students expecting to graduate in November.  Application is made through the Student Service Centre.    Friday, 25 October 2013   Last day for final master’s theses and doctoral dissertations to be accepted by the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for […]

InterPARES Trust Research Project Moves

The InterPARES Trust, a major five-year SSHRC Partnership grant, has been allocated dedicated office space for the five year duration of the project. The InterPARES Trust offices are located in Mary Bollert Hall, Rooms 114 and 120, on North West Marine Drive, across from the Chan Centre and a quick walk from SLAIS. In addition, […]

Call for Submissions – Open Scholar Award [All students]

OPEN SCHOLAR AWARD – CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FROM UBCV GRADUATE STUDENTS AWARD DEADLINE Next submission deadline: September 23, 2013  AWARD ELIGIBILITY •  Be a registered UBCV graduate student •  Submit exemplary graduate coursework (Non-thesis manuscripts or projects) •  Get instructor approval for submission  AWARD Each Award is worth $500. If an award winning project has […]

Interested in volunteering for the TRC? [All Students]

Needed volunteers to work 4 hours shifts in the History area (spot in the Agradome (PNE) where organizations provide public and ready access to their historical documents).  Duties include greeting participants, helping them look through photos books, and assisting them with making photocopies if desired. Contact Kelly Stewart (Instructor of Non-Textual Records  at SLAIS ) […]

UBC’s Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Presents JonArno Lawson

A Talk from the Bottom of the Box: Reflections of an Award-winning Poet for Youth Wednesday, September 25, 12:00 – 1:00 pm The Dodson Room, Room 302 Chapman Learning Commons, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall, UBC      

September Term Courses [Continuing Students]

All students should review their September term course registrations.  Please drop any courses you do not intend to take ASAP as this will allow other students to take the course if there is a wait list. It is each student’s personal responsibility to manage their own course registrations.  If you are registered for a course […]

Get Skilled with CTLT Summer Institute and UBC Community Leadership Program [All Students]

Dear Graduate Students, This week we’re gearing up for the future with some career development opportunities. Late August and early September will be super busy, so take a minute to look at these while you still have some spare time! Applications for the UBC Community Leadership Program are open to graduate students. Participants will receive […]

LIBR 520 Open for Registration

LIBR 520 has been open for registration. Space is limited. Please email slais.program@ubc.ca if you have any questions.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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