ARMA VI Conference in Nanaimo, BC in April

ARMA Vancouver Island Presents:

Strategies for Information Governance: A Full-Day Conference in Nanaimo, BC

Date: Monday, April 14, 2014
Time:  8:45 AM to 4:00 PM (PDT)
Place: Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 101 Gordon St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5J8
Admission: $120 ARMA members; $150  non-members (visit to register)

Please note: Deadline for registration is April 11, 2014.

Please join us for our popular one-day Information Governance and Records Management conference.

Our sessions include three informative talks, covering everything from how to set up a records management program, through to information and privacy and managing records in SharePoint 2010. And, as always, lots of time to network!

For more information, including the day’s agenda, session descriptions and presenters’ bios, please visit our website at

Any questions, please contact Ken Oldenburger, ARMA VI president, at

See you there!

ALCTS Webinar Series: Libraries and MOOCs — Free to library school students and library school groups!


ALCTS Webinar Series: Libraries and MOOCs

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are sweeping the country and libraries and librarians are watching this development carefully. This series of four webinars will help librarians gain an understanding of the complexity of the MOOC movement, learn how to support students and faculty engaged with MOOCs, become familiar with the copyright and intellectual property requirements in relation to MOOCs, and hear what the future may hold for MOOCs.

February 26, 2014. Dorothy Pawloski will discuss opportunities for public libraries to promote lifelong learning by becoming meet-up destinations for MOOCs.

March 26, 2014. Curtis L. Kendrick and Irene Gashurov will look at how librarians can shape the conversation about changes created by MOOCs.

May 21, 2014. Rebecca Griffith will look at new research on opportunities and challenges associated with using third-party MOOCs in campus-based services.

June 4, 2014. Sarah Bardac will look at the roles, opportunities, and pitfalls of MOOCs.

These webinars, presented in fall 2013, are available online.

  • September 25, 2013. Mike Eisenberg set the stage by examining the origins of online learning and explaining why MOOCs continue to thoroughly capture the imagination of students, educators, and administrators.
  • October 9, 2013. Steven Bell outlined his views on the role of the librarian as a “solutions provider” to the online learning community. Whether a traditional online course, or a MOOC, librarians should be recognized as full partners throughout the development process. Steven will discuss how librarians can get into the conversation.
  • November 6, 2013. Kevin L. Smith offered insights into the library’s role educating users with regard to their rights and responsibilities vis à vis copyright in settings beyond the traditional classroom model.
  • December 11, 2013. Jonathan Grudin let us know whether he is optimistic or pessimistic about the future of MOOCs.

Who Should Attend?

Librarians, library administrators, and library educators interested in supporting and enhancing libraries’ preparation of and participation in MOOCs.


Dorothy Pawlowski is Adult Services Librarian at the Ridgefield (Connecticut) Library

Curtis L. Kendrick is University Dean for Libraries and Information Resources, and Irene Gashurov is communications writer for the Office of Library Services, City University of New York (CUNY).

Rebecca Griffith leads the program in Online Learning for Ithaka S+R.

Sarah Bordac is the Head of Instructional Design at Brown University

Dates & Times

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays:

  • February 26, 2014
  • March 26, 2014
  • May 21, 2014
  • June 4, 2014

sessions are intended to last 1 hour, starting:

11 am Pacific | 12 Mountain | 1 pm Central | 2 pm Eastern




Fee ($USD)
Participant Each Series of 4
ALCTS Member (individual) 43 138
Nonmember (individual) 59 189
International (individual) 43 138
Groups. Applies to group of people that will watch the webinar together from one access point.
Member group 99 317
Nonmember group 129 413

All webinars are recorded and the one-time fee includes unlimited access to the webinar recording. All registered attendees will receive the link to the recorded session so if you are unable to attend the webinar at the time it is presented, you will have the opportunity to listen to the recording at your convenience

Technical Requirements

Computer with Internet access (high-speed connection is best) and media player software. Headphones recommended.

If you receive a Codec error when playing the recorded file with Windows Media Player, download the gotowebinar codec file from: The Codec acts as a patch that allows the recording, which is created with a higher version of Media Player, to play in version 7. For more information on playing the recording, see the FAQ.

How to Register

To register, complete the online registration form or or register by mail for the session you would like to attend.


For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email

For all other questions or comments related to the webinars, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5034 or


*Posted on behalf of the ALCTS Continuing Education Committee*


SLA Eng Div $1200 SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award, call for applications. Essay deadline March 15, 2014.

Special Libraries Association Engineering Division$1200 SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award
Call for Applications

Award to attend the SLA Annual Conference in
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 8-10, 2014


SPIE Digital Library is sponsoring for library school students the award of a $1200 travel stipend toward payment of expenses incurred while attending the annual Special Libraries Association conference in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 8-10, 2014. SPIE Digital Library is the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics applied research.

The SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award will be given to the qualified student who submits an essay of three or less double-spaced typed pages that is judged to be the best essay submitted describing the following scenario:

When the Special Library Association (SLA) was established in 1909, the idea of “special” libraries fit the movement that was occurring, and the name of the association as the Special Libraries Association was selected in default of a better name. Since this time, the Special Libraries Association (SLA) has gone back and forth regarding the name of the association. Should the association keep the name “Special Libraries Association” or change it? Support your position with relevant and current examples. How does keeping the name versus changing the name of the association impact existing special libraries? (Special libraries include: Corporate, Medical, Law, Religious, etc.)


Qualifications for Entering Award Competition:

The essay winner must be a student member of the SLA Engineering Division at the time of acceptance of the award.  Membership in the Engineering Division is not required at the time of application; it is only required upon acceptance of the winning award. Part of the award will be a one year student division membership to the SLA Engineering Division.

The winning student must attend the Engineering Division annual business meeting, held at the 2014 SLA annual conference.


Special Instructions:

  1. Give your full name, address, telephone number, e mail address, and a statement, on one page, of your qualifications, as given above, for entering the award competition.  Include the name of your library school.
  1. Type your full name (without any additional personal information) at the top of each essay page. Double space the typing on all pages.


Deadline for Submission:  March 15, 2014.

Submit Entries for the award to:

Bette Finn, SLA Engineering Division Awards Committee
Georgia Tech Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0900
Phone:  (404) 894-1790    Fax: (404) 894-8190
E mail:

Deadline Approaching: Call for Speakers and Poster Submissions for Wayne State University NDSA Student Chapter’s Converge and Ingest 2014

CALL FOR SPEAKERS & POSTER SUBMISSIONS for Wayne State University National Digital Stewardship Alliance Student Chapter’s 2nd Colloquium

“Converge and Ingest: Building a Toolbox”

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Purdy Kresge Library 5265 Cass Ave Detroit, MI 48202


TARGETED PRESENTERS | We are looking for students, alumni, and professionals to speak or present a poster on digital preservation. This year’s theme is “Building a Toolbox”, which involves any topic related to skills and tools needed to begin and grow in the digital preservation field.

RESEARCH FOCUS | Topics of interest include the changing nature of the digital preservation job market, new tools and technologies in digital preservation, creative problem-solving for digital preservation, identifying preservation issues on an individual institutional level, marketing digital preservation, and digital preservation case studies.

Speakers – We are looking for speakers to present research, case studies, or processes about digital preservation. Each speaker will be given a 15-25 minute time frame to speak, as well as a question and answer period.

Poster Submissions – Poster submissions are an excellent way to showcase your research interests, interact with students and professionals in your field, and build your resume. We accept digital poster submissions for those that want to submit but cannot attend. Students are strongly encouraged to participate. We want to showcase your projects, ideas and research related to digital preservation.

DEADLINE | The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2014

SUBMISSION PROCESS | Submit to the following information:

Your name, email, and phone number
Brief background/bio relevant to your presentation
Title of your presentation. Indicate if it is for a talk or poster.
Description of your presentation (250 words) or for posters (150 words)

*Accepted presenters will be notified after February 22nd.*

COLLOQUIUM DETAILS | The tentative format includes a professional panel session, research presentations, and a poster session with informal conversations to close. If you have other topics that you may want to introduce or other research questions, please contact our faculty advisor, Kim Schroeder at


WSU NDSA Student Chapter blog:

WSU NDSA Facebook page:

WSU NDSA Twitter page:



$5,000 LIS student scholarship

LIS students are invited to apply for the $5,000 Roger K. Summit Scholarship.

As a member of the ProQuest® Discover More Corps, you may be interested to learn about the Roger K. Summit Scholarship, presented annually in honor of Dialog’s* founder, a pioneer in information systems design. Applications are being accepted now through April 30, 2014.

This $5,000 (USD) award is presented to a student currently enrolled in an accredited library or information science program anywhere in the world. It is one of the many ways ProQuest shows its support for librarianship.

To learn more about the scholarship or to download an application, click here.

If you are an LIS instructor, please share this information with your students. If you are a student, we encourage you to apply for the scholarship. After all, someone is going to receive $5,000. Why not you?

1000$ Scholarship from SALALM – due March 15, 2014

Since its founding in 1956, the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) has engaged in a wide variety of projects and programs designed to advance the scholarly study of Latin America, the Caribbean, Iberia and the Latino/a diasporas.  We are offering a scholarship in the fall semester of $1,000 to a Master’s degree candidate in library and information studies in ALA-accredited programs or in archival studies programs with emphasis on application in academic and research settings.  Scholarship candidates should have completed successfully at least one quarter or semester of study in one of these MA programs, and hold a strong interest in Latin America, the Caribbean, Iberia or the Latino/a diasporas.

In addition, this year we initiate a travel grant of up to $1000 for SALALM Scholarship awardees to attend our annual conference. Eligibility includes a substantive contribution to the conference program. Details at:

For full information about SALALM and the SALALM Scholarship’s application requirements, see For profiles of previous scholarship awardees, see

CALA 2013-2014 scholarships

Chinese American Librarians Association, an affiliate of American Library Association, is pleased to announce the availability of its 2013-2014 scholarships:

The CALA Scholarship of Library and Information Science
This scholarship awards $1000 to a full-time student at an ALA-accredited library school.

The Sheila Suen Lai Scholarship
This scholarship awards $500 to a full-time student at an ALA-accredited library school.

These scholarships are designed to encourage professional and leadership development in Chinese American librarianship. They are open to full-time students of Chinese heritage who are currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited master’s or doctoral program of library and information science at an institution of higher education in North America. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at the time the scholarship is awarded. Applicants may apply for any or all of the scholarships listed above.

To apply, please go to to access the application guidelines, application forms and reference forms. The application deadline is 12AM Central Time April 30, 2014. The recipients will be announced by May 30, 2014 and the awards will be presented at the CALA Awards Banquet during the 2014 CALA Annual Conference. If you have any questions, please contact the 2013-2014 CALA Scholarship Committee:

Raymond Wang (Chair),
Irene Ke,
Ya Wang,
Zhonghua Du,

Fix for Windows UBC Secure Problems [All Students]

Recently UBC IT has updated their Wireless Certificate, for most users this is seamless but if you’re running a Windows laptop and have noticed over the past couple of weeks that every time you connect to UBC Secure it’s prompting you for credential authentication instead of connecting automatically there is a relatively easy fix.

Disconnect from UBC Secure and tell Windows to forget about that network.  (different versions of windows have different ways of handling this, newer versions are more straightforward)  When Windows “forgets” it will delete the certificate and allow the installation of the new version.

Connect to UBC Visitor and open a web page.  Don’t login but instead click on the UBC Secure AutoConnect utility on the left side of the page.  This will load a small application that will migrate you to the UBC Secure Network, install the new certificate for you, and set Windows to connect to UBC Secure automatically when it is in range.



Travel stipend to attend the
2014 SLA Annual Conference
Vancouver BC Canada
Application Deadline: March 14, 2014

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is sponsoring a student/new member travel award to defray the costs of attending the 2014 SLA Annual Conference June 8-10 in Vancouver, BC Canada. The award is intended to encourage the professional development of student or new members of the Chemistry Division and encourage their participation in Chemistry Division activities.

$1,500 stipend to attend the 2014 SLA Annual Conference. The winner also receives an award certificate at the Annual Conference during the Chemistry Division Business Meeting & Breakfast.

All student members of the Chemistry Division and all new members of the Chemistry Division (individuals who have joined since January 2013) are eligible. All applicants must have joined the Chemistry Division by March 1, 2014. See below for information on joining SLA and the Chemistry Division.

Individuals who accept a travel award or stipend for the annual conference from any other SLA entity are not eligible for the Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development.  Travel funds provided by your employer, your school (for students), or any other non-SLA affiliated group do not affect your eligibility.

Please submit the following:

  •      A brief essay that: a) articulates your objectives for professional development; and b) indicates what you hope to gain from attending the SLA Annual Conference. Maximum length: 2 pages.
  •      Resume
  •      Names of two references
  •      Brief budget (expected expenses for registration, airfare, lodging, food and/or continuing education course).

All applications must be received by midnight on March 14, 2014. The winner will be notified by March 28, 2014. Essays will be judged and the winner selected by a panel of SLA Chemistry Division members.


Claire Stokes ( )
3M Company
Information Research & Solutions
Building 201-2C-12
Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000

Want to join the Chemistry Division of SLA?
Not a member of SLA? Use this link to join SLA:
When you join SLA, you can also join one division for free, additional divisions are $20/year.

Already an SLA member? To join the Chemistry Division either: 1) Login using your membership Username and Password and download the SLA Change/Add Units form:  Fax or mail the form to SLA. Or 2) Call 1-703-647-4936 and pay with a credit card.

The award is named to honor Marion E. Sparks, a chemistry librarian at the University of Illinois from 1913 until her death in 1929. Ms. Sparks contributed a great deal to the field of chemical information, her achievements include teaching courses on chemical information, and authoring and publishing what is argued to be the first book to formally address chemical literature and library instruction.

The Chemistry Division Web Site
includes a listing of previous winners.

Call for Proposals – 2014 WGSS Poster Session

ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section
2014 Poster Session Call for Proposals

The Women & Gender Studies Section will hold its 7th annual Research Poster Session during our General Membership Meeting at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on Saturday, June 28, 2014, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The forum seeks to provide an opportunity to present newly completed research or work in progress. Both beginning and established researchers are welcome to apply. Participants may receive collaborative feedback and recommendations for future publishing and/or new initiatives.

The potential scope of the topics includes, but is not limited to, teaching methods, instruction, information technology, collection development, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration with academic faculty.* For research ideas, see the newly updated Research Agenda for Women and Gender Studies Librarianship

* This year the committee is especially interested in receiving submissions which highlight the ways in which librarians work with faculty and/or establish faculty partnerships. However, as stated above, submissions are NOT limited to this particular theme.

Applicants chosen to present their work at the poster session are expected to supply presentation materials, including poster boards. Tables for presentation materials will be provided.  Attendees at the forum will find an arena for discussion and networking with their colleagues interested in related issues and trends in the profession.

The committee will use a blind peer review process.

Selection criteria:

1. Significance of the topic. Priority will be given to Women and Gender Studies Section members and/or women and gender studies topics
2. Originality of the project

Proposal submission instructions:

1. Proposals should include:

–          Title of the proposal
–          Proposal narrative (no more than 2 pages, double spaced)
–          Name of applicant(s)
–          Affiliation (s)
–          Applicant Email address(es), Phone number(s)
–          Are you a member of the Women & Gender Studies Section?

* If you would like to become a member, go to:

2. NOTE: Submission deadline: March 31, 2014

3. Proposals should be emailed to: Beth Strickland, Chair, WGSS Research Committee (

4. The chair will notify the applicants by April 30, 2014

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Arts CMS
2329 West Mall
Room 1170,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.805.6120