By danslessor on Sep 11, 2013
All iSchool students are encourages to attend an upcoming consultation entitled: “Libraries, Archives, and Canada’s Future: How important to you are the services of libraries and archives?”
Friday, September 20th
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Green College, UBC
The Royal Society of Canada has established a panel to investigate and report on the status and future of the country’s libraries and archives. A key element of this project is to hear from Canadians about the value they place on libraries and archives, the services they receive and expect from these institutions, and the ways digital technology is transforming our knowledge universe.
More information on the consultation process, including other consultations at Simon Fraser University and the Vancouver Public Library can be found at the following website:
UBC Poster
Letter to UBC
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By admin on Sep 10, 2013
Needed volunteers to work 4 hours shifts in the History area (spot in the Agradome (PNE) where organizations provide public and ready access to their historical documents).
Duties include greeting participants, helping them look through photos books, and assisting them with making photocopies if desired.
Contact Kelly Stewart (Instructor of Non-Textual Records at SLAIS ) for more information or to volunteer.
Please put in the subject line: TRC Volunteer
OR VISIT ONE OF THESE SITES [look for national event – Vancouver to find the volunteer application form]
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By danslessor on Sep 5, 2013
UBC Library is hosting the PRDLA (Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance) annual meeting October 2-4. This is a group of Pacific Rim academic libraries that meet once a year to discuss improved access to scholarly resources; this year’s theme is “Community and Collaboration – the Digital Pacific”.
This is a meeting of AULs and library directors, and not open to the library community in general. However, UBC Library is looking for a few volunteers to assist as conveners on the days of the meeting. The students will have the opportunity to sit in on the sessions they are convening. Program abstracts are here: .
If interested, contact Larissa Ringham at . Deadline is September 10th, although sooner would be preferable.
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By danslessor on Sep 4, 2013
As the school year is underway and you are solidifying your course schedules, please take note of the procedures for taking courses external from SLAIS.
Students in the MAS and MLIS programs can take up to 12 credits outside of the program. Students in the Dual program can take up to 9 credits outside of the MLIS and MAS programs.
To take any course outside your program (including SLAIS courses that are not in your specific program), begin by getting the instructor’s permission. Then fill out the “Application for Credit for External Courses” form available at If the course is outside of SLAIS, include the syllabus and a statement from you explaining why it will benefit your program of study. Send the application and supporting documents to the Program Assistant (, who will give it to the Graduate Advisor for review and approval.
Courses can be taken from other programs at UBC. For instance, the following Winter Term 2 course was forwarded to the SLAIS office from the English department and may be of interest to some SLAIS students:
The Rhetoric of Pharmaceutical Marketing, 1870 – 2013
ENGL 489
Majors Seminar
Professor Judy Segal
Please see full course description: 2013 – ECO 489 (AUGUST) (2)
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By danslessor on Aug 20, 2013
Be aware that several Work Learn positions with UBC Library and Archives have been posted recently. Some of the positions have quite a short turnaround time before they will be closed, so this may be a good chance to secure employment for the Fall term.
You can view such positions on the Work Learn site using keywords ‘Library’ or ‘Archive.’
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By danslessor on Aug 19, 2013
For students looking to gain experience in the field while earning academic credit this upcoming semester, please take a look at the recent LIBR/ARST 596: Professional Experience placement opportunities at the iSchool Blog.
Recent postings include opportunities with:
- UBC Library
- SFU Library
- BCIT Library and Archives
- Union of BC Indian Chiefs
- City of Vancouver
For information on the Professional Experience course, check out the course website.
Contact Dan Slessor at if you have any questions about applying for a Professional Experience.
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By admin on Aug 19, 2013
A Talk from the Bottom of the Box: Reflections of an Award-winning Poet for Youth
Wednesday, September 25, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
The Dodson Room, Room 302
Chapman Learning Commons, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall, UBC
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By aoifeni on Aug 19, 2013
Judith Saltman and five SLAIS students and alumni, Dan Gillean, Jamie McCarthy, Myron Groover, Justin Unrau, and Rachel Balko, have authored The Canada IFLA Adventure: 85 Years of Canadian Participation in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1927 to 2012. Published by the Canadian Library Association in July 2013, and launched at the 79th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Singapore, the book examines the history of Canadian engagement with IFLA for almost a century. The result of research in archives, interviews, and international contacts, it is the first book-length work to examine any specific country’s involvement with IFLA.
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By admin on Aug 16, 2013
All students should review their September term course registrations. Please drop any courses you do not intend to take ASAP as this will allow other students to take the course if there is a wait list.
It is each student’s personal responsibility to manage their own course registrations. If you are registered for a course you do not want to take and forget to drop it by the drop deadline you will receive a failing mark in the course. If you are taking any 1-credit courses be sure to note the days on which the courses meet. If you miss any of the class meetings, or a portion of a class meeting, for a 1-credit course you must drop the course. If you forget to attend you must drop the course if you are still within the drop deadline for the course. If you are past the drop deadline you may receive a failing mark in the course.
The wait lists for a number of courses have now been emptied. If you wish to register for a new course you should double-check to see if seats are now available. It is possible to add a course up until the second class meeting in September if seats are available.
We would like to particularly point out the special cross-listed course being offered by Dr. Bruce Kingma, this year’s Dodson Scholar. He will be teaching the very innovative
LIBR 579M: Innovation & Disruptive Entrepreneurship / ARST 575M: Innovation & Disruptive Entrepreneurship
Dr. Kingma will only be at the iSchool for the September term, so this may be your only chance to take the course.
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